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Hostel La Magdalena Monastery

The French Way is the most popular route to Compostela, among other reasons because it was the connection with distant territories during the first years of peregrinations. This past is reflected at the monasterios surrounding the Way once arrived to Galicia. They were the germ of bigger villages and a motor for the economy and social developement. The pilgrims hostel la Magdalena monastery keeps its original charm, actually its door is just at The Way, imposible to be more involved.

The hostel open its door on a monastery from the first years of the XII century, almost the same time that the Sarria village, and it history has been always attached with The Way. We can apreciate its romanesque origin, although on the XIX century it suffers the most important construction works to give the monastery its nowadays aspect.

One of the advantages of this hostel for pilgrims is the proximity to the village center. The old quarter of Sarria is just 5 minutes walking far from the monastery and the railway station just 10 minutes.

Besides the particular geography of Sarria, a valley between small hills, is easily appreciated from the monastery. This hostel has an amazing view of the village.

Among the facilities this hostel offers to our guests is the accommodation on double bank beds on three rooms. Each room has a mixed shared bathroom.

Pilgrims can also use the communal rooms where having some snacks on the vending machines, use the microwave or the kitchen tools to do their meals. The hostel has luggage room and self service laundry.


110 vacancy on double bank beds

Free wifi and computers

Fully equiped kitchen


Vending machines

Payment luggage room

Front desk

Communal rooms with tv


Laundry: Washing machines, Sinks and Dryers

Exterior parking for cars and bikes

Exterior terrace

Backpack sending


Chapel: diary mass ath 18.30h



FAQS - Frequent questions

How to reach Sarria?

By train

  • Direct from Madrid:
    • From Monday to Friday, hotel-train at 22.30 h, arrives Sarria at 06.50h
    • Saturday: There is no service
    • Sunday: hotel-train at 22.30 h, arrives Sarria at 06.50h
    • Prices: From 51.90 euros at economy.
  • Direct from Barcelona:
    • Diary train at 09.30, arrivals al 21.05 and train-hotel at 20.20 arrivals at 08.45 h
    • Prices: From 75.60 euros at economy. Train-hotel from 103.70 euros.
  • Train from Barcelona can be also took at Tarragona, Lleida, Zaragoza, Pamplona, Vitoria, Burgos, Palencia y León (Train of 20.20h has not stop at Pamplona or Vitoria but at Logroño)
  • Direct from Lugo:
    • From Monday to Friday and Sundays : 5  frequency
    • Saturday: 4 frequency
  • From souther Spain you have to do a change on Madrid and from Levante you have the options of Tarragona, Zaragoza or Madrid www.renfe.com Phone number: 902 320 320

By bus from Santiago:

  • Freire, S.L enterprise makes the rout between Santiago and Lugo, where you can get another bus untill Sarria (see next section). You can get the bus at the bus station or at the airport. There are a lot of frequencies you can check at their site.
  • Private transfer from Santiago city center or from the airport. Check prices at Viajes Viloria – Galicia Incoming, specialized Enterprise os pilgrims services info@galiciaincoming.com -phone number + 34 981 568521.

By Bus from Lugo:

  • Enterprise Monforte, S.A makes the route from Lugo to Sarria.
  • There are diary frequencies every day of the week. From Lugo it is also posible to go untill O Cebreiro with stop at Sarria at 17.30h

From Porto, A Coruña or Vigo airports:

  • Private transfer. Check prices at Viajes Viloria – Galicia Incoming, specialized Enterprise on pilgrims services info@galiciaincoming.com phone number + 34 981 568521.
Once in Sarria, how to reach the hostel?
  • From the bus station: take Rua Formigueiros just in front of the station exit and at the petrol station turn lef to Rua Pedro saco. Continue all straight on this Street and Rua padre Sarmiento. At the end turn left untill Rua Maior. From Rua maior follow the yellow arrow to the right 300 meters.
  • From the railway station: When leaving the station continue all straigh through Rua Calvo Sotelo untill the first crossing. Turn right on Rua Jose Antonio. At San Lazaro continue all straight on Rua Calexa untill reaching Rua Maior. From Rua maior follow the yellow arrow to the right 300 meters.
It is necessary to be a pilgrim to do a booking?

It is not compulsory to be a pilgrim but the Hostel is designed to Pilgrims.

Which are the timetables of the hostel?

Check in: From 11 a.m. on

Check out: It is compulsory to leave the hostel before 8.30 a.m. Between 8.30 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. we do the cleanning of the rooms.

Front desk hours: From 11.00 a.m. to 23.00 h. The hostel is a pplace for rest for pilgrims so we close at 23.00 h to avoid any disturb.

It is recomendable to take my sleeping bag?

Yes it is. The Price includes a kit of the under sheet and the pillowcase. We also have blankets.

Are rooms and bathrooms mixed?

Yes, they are.

Which kind of accomodations are available?

We have 4 accommodation rooms with different capacities, all of them with bank beds.

There is meal service?

We have a small supermarket where you can choose your menú. We also have a fully equiped kitchen if you prefer to vook you own meal. Vending machines of drinks ans snacks are available.

Can I smoke on the hostel?

No, it is not allowed to smoke on the hole enclosure.

Are animals admitted?

No, they are not.

I have a place for leaving my bike?

Yes, you have a exterior and interior parking to leave your bike under your responsability.

There is luggage room service?

Yes, you can send us your luggage before your arrival. The price perbag and day is 2 euro. It is compulsory to have a booking on the hostel.

It is necessary to book in advance?

It is not necessary but recommended to get your place guaranteed. You can do your booking through our site and get the best price.

Can I cancel or modify my booking?

Yes you can. If you cancel or modify your booking with more than 24 hours before your arrival time it is free. In case you do the cancellation on modification the same day of your arrival the cancellation costs are the full price of the first night of accommodation.

What is included on my accommodation price?

Accommodation. Kit of under sheet and pillowcase, locker with plug and lightning point.

You have still more questions? Contac us!

What to do in Sarria?

To reach Sarria is a goal on the French Way: Finally we have crossed the mountains as a door to Galicia and we start the last 100 km to Santiago. Sarria is a joy stage for the ones that started before or a illussion stage for the ones that start there. This last option is very common as for get the Compostela it is compulsory to do the last 100 km walking (200 km by bus).

A small village, a plain with mountains on the horizon, a promise of following The Way. Sarria is a place where thinking about what os going to come and to get involved a bit more on the insider Galicia. Here you have some ideas about what to do while you are at the most crowded village of The Way (except Santiago).

1. Saint James Heritage 100%

Sarria has almost born with the peregrinations and its evolutions is extrenemely connected with the religious orders stablished there to embrace pilgrims. We can still visit their legacy.

  • San Salvador church: Maybe the best building to understand the relation of Sarria and the Way. It is a construction with modern features of the XIX century added to a previous structure. So we can distinguish romantic and gothic characteristics. We find traces os the glorious galician romanic at the semy-cylindrical apse and lateral door looking to north. Also on the figurative elementes as the pantocrátor with the left hand open and the right one blessing we can see on the tympanum. Here used to overnight the pilgrims that came back from Compostela if they showed their Compostela and they were rewarded with eigh maravedís to carry on the necessities of the travel back home.
  • Mercedarios or La Magdalena convent: We receive you on a hostoric emplacemente on Sarria where besides rest and thinking on your next stage you may enjoy an experience shared with pilgrims of diferent times. Tne convent has been built between the XIII and the XIV centuries, and was reformed at the XVI century. As all the patrimony of Sarria we find a mix of the different artistic periods. The façade is plateresque, the cloister gothic and the known as “Puerta de los Carros” and the bell tower are baroque.
  • Remains of the ancient fortress tower: the history of Sarria is a small summary of the half and modern ages Galician history. On this village had also happened incidents of the “Irmandiños” Battle, which confronted peasentry, low nobility and clergy and the Compostela clergy and nobility. The fortress was built in the XIII century and destroyed a century after.  Though some of the fortress destroyed by the rebels with more force than intelligence, were not rebuilt the Sarria one was. The tower has 14 meters and the access is a stair located next to the wall. At the bottom we find 2 coats of arms (Lemos and Castro).

2.  A dreaming walking, “Paseo das Arceas”

The valley where is Sarria is surraounded by an amazing river promenade. There is no better place to rest at the shadow of the trees after the hard walking stage of The Wat. The promenade starts next to the Guardia Civil station.

It is a nice river promenade surrounding the Sarria river, very simple as it hardly has inclination and is very well cared. Depending on the year period we may have caution with the slips son some points made of wood.

3. One seasonal but important suggestion

Apology about this 3rd point is justa available a pair of days in March but it is almost compulsory to do it. From some years ago the Esmorga fest has a place on the spring festivals. The Esmorga fest has a huge offer of made in Spain indie music and really affordable prices. If you are in Sarria on the first week of march enjoy the opportunity. If you are not maybe on another year!

Contact Data

Information pone number:

+34 982 533 568


Make your reservation here

We do not make telephone reservations


Groups department:

+34 981 56 85 21


Request your budget here





Albergue Monasterio La Magdalena

Avda. La Merced 60

27600 Sarria (Lugo), España.

Lugo, España



42.7788935, -7.4212286,15 ‎


How to arrive


Green area : 1 minute

Church: 1 minute

Supermarket: 3 minutes

Market: 5 minutes

Old quarter: 5 minutes

Civil Guard: 5 minutes

Council house : 8 minutes

Railway station: 11 minutes

Bus station: 12 minutes

Walk in clinic: 16 minutes

Samos: 12 Km

Piedrafita do Cebreiro: 58.7 Km

Santiago de Compostela: 104 Km

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Free cancellation (up to 24 hours before arrival)