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Physical trainning

The Way both for the distances and for the different track use to be very hard, so we have to be prepared also physically. It is Good to think about our training at leats three months before the start. Our age and physical conditions may be also a factor to have into account.

The succes of a Good physical training is to be imporving day by day with longer distances to reach with out fatigue the media kilometers of the stages.  It is conveniente to write down the daily distances reached. Our goals should be realistic, beginnig with short distances or we may fall on the despondency.

The frequency of the training sessions may be conditioned by our occupations. At the beginning eith one weekly exit may be enough but we should increase the training as reaching a daily exit (no matter the distances).

During the last month it is convenient to carry the backpack with the expected weight on the training sessions. The knees and toes muscles may be reforced and won’t give you problems during the pilgrimage.

The average distance of the stages are 20-25 kilometers each day.



Regarding the bike Way preparation you should follow the same advices tan the ones by foot.

The luggage may be at two saddlebags with the weight distributed equaly. Before starting the Way is necessary to learn to do the small repairings that may be needed during the Way, a punched wheel, to fix the brakes etc…

The average kilometers to do during the Way by bike are 50-75 each day depending on the track.




Luggage and equipment

Our luggage should formed by the essentials. We must be aware that we are going to carry it for kilometers and the overweight on our backs its a very important factor of tiredness and knees and toes damage. Besides we should remember the goal lof living with the basics. If you are going to go by bike avoid backpacks.

The pilgrim clothes have been developed during the centuries. Firstly it was addapted to an ususal traveler with a cape and short tunic to avoid cold and wide brim for the sun and the rain. With the years it became popular the stick with the pumpkin (employed as canteen), the backpack and the scallop shell.

The essentials to the nowadays pilgrim are the backpack, the sleeping bag, mat, a poncho for the rain, one garment for the cold, swimsuit, a basic toilet bag, sandals for the shower, a sports suit, one small bag with detergent for clothes laundry, toilet paper and a basic first aid pack (alcohol, gauze, silk tape, Betadine, bandaids, sunscreen, needle and thread for the treatment of blisters, small scissors, petroleum jelly, mosquito repellent, antihistamines – in case of allergy – and aspirins)

It is also very important to carry a baseball cap and sun glasses, one notebook and pen, and above all the identity card or Passport as the medical assistance card. It may be usefull also a knife, a small lintern a lighter and a metal glass.

The appropiate footwear is walking boots or sport shoes, not new they may be used and proved that they do not damage our feet. It is recomendable to be tight at the toes to avoid sprains, also waterproof and transpirable to avoid sweat problems. Some pilgrims advice to wear double sock but should be enough one with the sole of plush.

One stick adapted to the height of the person is very helpfull.

Go to your usual clinic to be advised, specially if you soffer some illness or you have any treatment. Alergic persons may have into account the season. Please have your vaccination calendary updated, specially the tetanus.


During the pilgrimage

  • Avoid the sunburns. During the first days you shoud wear long pants and sleeves and sunscreen. You start walking as son as posible in order to avoid the central day hours.
  • Care of the feet. It is frequent the appearance of blisters on the fist days. Thay should be clean and if they are not really big you should take away the liquid. It is recomendable to have a shower when finish each stage, but if its done on the mornings may avoid very hot water that makes easir the appearance of blisters.
  • Do not walk very fast the first days, do not try to follow anyone if you are not prepared to it.
  • Drink water frequently, but being sure it is potable. Take care with the food, wash the fruit and vegetables and if you eat mayo they should not be home made.
  • Do not walk out of the paths. Avoid walk during the night and respect the traffic signs.
  • To those employing supporting car please do not goa head to occupy the hostels beds causing pilgrims with their backpackd do not have place to rest. Of course the dirver cannot employ the credential or use the pilgrims hostels. We encourage to colaborate with the donation for the pilgrims when asjed for it in order to improve the installations and facilities. Those who ar at the Way but not doing it please use other accomodations for respect and to keep the spirit os Christian charity of the hostels.


Frequent health problems

  • Laces and muscle contractions. We shoud rest the affected área and drink water. In case of cery strong pain we can have a paracetamol. We can avoid the heating before start walking.
  • Blisters and rubbings. May be avoided with the correct footwear, not new. We have to clean them with cold water and if they are really big we have to poke them with an steralized needle and do not remove the cover skin.
  • Dehydration: When we fell more tired than normally, we should take care and we have temperatura and diarrhea may be dangerous. May be avoided not walking during the central hours of the day and driking a lot of water. Ir is recomendable rest and in case of lost of conciouss of confussion go to emergency.
  • Sprains or tendonitis, it is very important to rest and apply cold to reduce the inflamation. It is recomendable to have an anti-inflammatory and go to the doctor in case of not improval.
  • Sunburns: We may avoid them using a hat, sun glasses and sunscreen of 20 or higher factor. In case of havinf them clean the área with cold water and apply moisturizer. We can have a painkiller or go to the doctor if we have blisters of the damaged área is very wide.
  • Insect bites: We should clear the área and apply cream. It is impportant ho have insect repellent and avoid attarctive perfumes.
  • Stomach flu: It symptoms are nausea, vomit, abdominal pain and diarrea. Sometimes fever and general discomfort. It may be prevented drinking bottled water, cleaning appropiately fruits and vegetables and washing your hands before each meal. It would be necessary to rest and do not eat at least 24 hours, it is very important to be hydrated. In case of worse symptoms go to a clinic.
  • Fungus: To avoid them is very iportant to always wear plastic sandals on the shower and dry your feet. In case of contagion we Will be more carefull with the personal tidiness.


Video: Tips to do The Way

Adriano Lopez Vazquez, known as Cándido, offers solutions to pilgrims with any problem. Here you Will find some tips to make easier your pilgrimage.

Source: Pilgrims office

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