How to eat during the Camino de Santiago?

Food intake is key in all facets of our lives. And knowing how to do it correctly in every situation is key. In this case we talk about food during the Camino de Santiago, and therefore, we must take into account the over effort that we are going to have and that this will be so for several days in a row.

Make 5 daily intakes will be one of the ways to keep you with energy without filling the stomach too much and that becomes a handicap.


Here it seems that the phrase “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” becomes even more important, as it will give us the strength for the first push.

It is important to consider what you eat for breakfast and try to avoid fats and sugars that will only make you feel heavier during your walk.

A healthy and balanced breakfast is key. One that provides us with all the nutrients and energy.

One that has fruit for vitamins and minerals, cereals for energy, fibre and protein for performance will be the optimal breakfast.


Don’t waste your energy and replenish it with a piece of fruit, nuts, a cereal bar or even a small sandwich.


You’ve expended a lot of energy and have made an effort that you’re probably not used to. You will probably arrive at lunch hungry, but don’t let your stomach get the better of you and stick to your goal of a balanced diet.

If you eat too much and then have to keep walking or have planned a visit where you are, you will regret it. Tiredness will set in and you will only want to rest, because you will feel full and heavy.

Choose a light meal. In many restaurants you will find the pilgrim’s menu. But you can also take the opportunity to try typical dishes from each area.


At this point you will have finished the stage and you will be resting, idle or taking the opportunity to wash clothes. But don’t forget this meal.

Your body is still burning energy and the next day you are going to expose it to a good “tute”, so you must keep feeding it.

A piece of fruit is ideal.


Now it’s time to enjoy yourself and get some rest. Although it doesn’t have to be as strict as for lunch, don’t have a big meal between your chest and back because the key now is to rest and get your strength back for the next day.

A plate of protein and carbohydrates will be optimal to consume quickly and provide the energy your body needs.

Although tiredness will knock on your door, try to wait a while after dinner to avoid going to bed with a full stomach and having a heavy digestion.


“Drink at least 2 litres of water a day”. This recommendation becomes almost an obligation during the Camino. Always carry a bottle with you that is not too big so you don’t carry too much and make a resolution to finish it and replenish it at the next point.

As you can see, a good planning, not only in terms of routes, is essential to carry out the Camino in the best way.